
  • Understand better the connections between matrices and graphs in previous works; Recap details.
    • Factor Graphs for Robot Perception
  • Have a glance at advances in the intersection of graph theory and SLAM
    • Reliable Graphs for SLAM, IJRR 2019
    • Cramér–Rao Bounds and Optimal Design Metrics for Pose-Graph SLAM, TRO 2021

Factor Graph and its Information Matrix

We start with revisiting a factor graph and its corresponding Jacobian

  • Each factor corresponds to several rows. It is a measurement.
  • Each variable corresponds to several columns. It is a state to be estimated.

So we have a factor graph, and its corresponding linear system \(Ax = b\).

Variable elimination and matrix factorization

In large sparse SLAM setups, we usually factorize A with QR. Partial QR is iteratively applied to submatrices, with permutation (?).

  • Factorization is variable elimination in a graph
  • The spirit is like ‘an undirected graph to a DAG’

  • Factorization is partial QR in a matrix
  • Use Householder reflections or Givens rotations

Variable elimination ordering

The ordering in elimination matters. A bad order results in fill-in and leads to a dense matrix to solve.

  • Topologically densely connected

  • We prefer smaller degrees in order

  • Degrees:
    • l1=1, l2=1; x1=2; x2=3, x3=2.
  • Computationally dense

  • We prefer fewer entries in the rows during QR
    • Direct order: 2 fill-in, then 1 fill-in
    • Inverse order: 2 fill-in, then 3 fill-in

Heuristics for reordering

Incremental update and the clique tree

Fact 1

  • Variable elimination results in not only a DAG but also a chordal graph (PGM Theorem 9.8)
    • A chordal graph is a triangulated graph

Fact 2

  • We can form a clique graph from a graph, by connecting max-cliques

Fact 3

  • A clique graph is a clique tree in a chordal graph
  • Trees are good for elimination or factorization esp. when the cliques are small

  • A clique tree depicts the global structure

  • Each clique depicts local distributions

  • In a clique is a dense upper triangular matrix after reducing the separator column

Incremental update

  • Identify the path from the root that contains the variables
  • Redo the variable elimination locally to update the clique structure
    • Givens rotation locally


Up to now, we know the connection between

  • Matrix factorization (QR decomposition, reordering rows, locally dense triangles)
  • and graph topology manipulation (undirected to DAG, factor to Bayes, degree, clique)

Heuristically, we know local topology (vertex degree) matters. There could be more fundamental insights.

Depict a graph in matrix

  • We used graphics to depict graphs. They are intuitive, but not easy to analyze.
  • Although they are related to Jacobian matrices (in factorization), they are not equivalent.
  • We now use incidence matrices and graph laplacian to directly depict matrix topology.

Incidence matrix

  • A V x E matrix, each column encode the (weighted) edge connecting 2 vertices

  • Sounds familiar? A Jacobian is E x V, each row encodes a measurement connecting 2 variables

There are even more similarities.

Laplacian matrix

  • Laplacian is given by \(L = D - A\), where D and A are degree and adjacency matrices. It is a V x V matrix.
  • Graph laplacian depicts the graph’s intrinsic connectivity at the vertices’ perspective.
  • Another derivation is \(L = MM^\top\), where \(M\) is the incidence matrix.

  • Sounds familiar again? A Fisher Information Matrix is given by \(\Lambda = J^\top J\), where \(J\) is the Jacobian matrix.
  • We will revisit some special setups where \(\Lambda\) and \(L\) can be directly connected with equations.

Conectivity from Laplacian

  • Key message: we can obtain global topology (graph **connectivity) of the graph via the Laplacian matrix.
  • Measurement 1: Algebraic connectivity / Fielder value
    • \(\lambda_2(L)\), where \(0 = \lambda_1 \le \cdots \le \lambda_n\)
    • This connecivity is 0 if the graph is disconnected; 1 if the graph is complete.
    • For the example above the eigen values are:
      • [3.33066907e-16, 7.21586391e-01, 1.68256939e+00, 3.00000000e+00, 3.70462437e+00, 4.89121985e+00]
    • Associated eigenvector:
      • [0.41486979, 0.30944167, 0.0692328 , -0.22093352, 0.22093352, -0.79354426]
  • Measurement 2: Tree connectivity / Kirchoff’s matrix-tree theorem
    • Count the number of spanning trees
    • Related: Cayley’s formula \(t(G) = n^{n-2}\) for a complete graph.

Reduced Laplacian

  • Remove one selected row (vertex) and the corresponding arbitrary column (edge)
  • ‘Corresponding to’ a Jacobian: remove a vertex or anchor a variable
  • Algebraic connectivity: \(\lambda_1(L^r)\)
    • SVD / Eigenvalue decomposition
  • Tree connectivity: \(\det L^r\)
    • Relatively easy to compute, esp. for sparse matrices:
      • Use Cholesky decomposition, then compute the product of diagonal elements

Associate Laplacian with Information

  • The simplest \(R^d\)-sync problem
    • We have variables \(x_j \in \mathbb{R}^d\) and measurements \(z_{ij} = x_i - x_j + \epsilon_{ij}\).
    • Covariance per edge is simplified to \(\sigma_{i}^2 \mathbf{I}_d\)
    • The Jacobian is the incidence matrix (transpose), if d=1 and the variance per edge is 1 and we discard priors

  • If we take in one prior then the Jacobian is the reduced incident matrix (transpose)

    \[z = \mathbf{M}^{r, \top} x + \epsilon\]
  • If we extend to arbitrary dimension d then it becomes

    \(z = (\mathbf{M}^r \otimes \mathbf{I}_d)^\top x + \epsilon\) (Kronecker multipler expands each 1x1 entry to a dxd block)

  • Then considering the variance as a diagonal weight matrix, the information matrix is given by

    \[\Lambda = (\mathbf{M}^r \otimes \mathbf{I}_d)^\top (\mathbf{W} \otimes \mathbf{I}_d) (\mathbf{M}^r \otimes \mathbf{I}_d) = (\mathbf{M}^r \mathbf{W} \mathbf{M}^r)^\top \otimes \mathbf{I}_d = \mathbf{L}^r_w \otimes \mathbf{I}_d\]

    Here we are using the weighted Laplacian, where the weight per edge is given by the measurement variance.

  • This is a very close association between Information and Laplacian matrices.

    \[\Lambda = \mathbf{L}^r_w \otimes \mathbf{I}_d\]

E-Optimal and Albegraic connectivity

  • Covariance is inverse information \(\mathbf{C}^{-1} \approx \Lambda = \mathbf{L}^r_w \otimes \mathbf{I}_d\)
  • If we apply eigenvalue decomposition to a covariance matrix C, then the max eigenvalue gives the worst case error variance (E-optimal design) among all unit directions.
  • \[\lambda_{max}(C) \approx 1 / \lambda_1(\Lambda) = 1 / \lambda_1(L_w^r)\]
  • So the albebraic connectivity defines the variance error bound

D-criterion and Tree connectivity

  • If we apply determinant to a covariance matrix C, then the value provides a scalar measure of the uncertainty (D-criterion) in the covariance matrix.
  • \[\log \det C \approx \log \det \Lambda^{-1} = - \log \det (\mathbf{L}^r_w \otimes \mathbf{I}_d) = -d \log t(G)\]
  • So the tree connectivity gives the uncertainty estimate

There are extensions to less trivial 2D/3D SLAM, and corresponding corollaries. In a nutshell, graph topology and estimation uncertainty is connected via Laplacian and Fisher Information.

Topology selection for a better D-criterion

With the empirical connection, we drop covariance now and consider only the topology or the Laplacian

We are interested in edge selection (e.g., loop closure selection in a pose graph)

  • k-ESP: Given a initial graph and several candidate edges (say potential loop closures), select at most k-edges to maximize connectivity and reduce uncertainty
  • \(\Delta\)-ESP: Select as few edges as possible to reach the desired information gain \(\Delta\)

We know this can be computed in a batch:

  • Select several edges, run Cholesky of the updated Laplacian, and measure t(G) (tree connectivity)
  • Exact solution by evaluating in a batches is NP-hard. There are C(m, k) combinations.

Can we do it incrementally by adding one edge $m_e$ in the incidence matrix?

  • Yes, the gain is given by \(\Delta_e = m_e^\top L^{-1} m_e\), where \(m_e\) is the additional column in the incidence matrix
  • So we can use the greedy algorithm: every time we add the edge with the max gain, then update the Laplacian

  • Other solutions include convex relaxation

    \[L = L_{init} + \sum_j \pi_j L_{e_j} = MW^\pi M\]

  • Non-convex version

  • Convex relaxation (can be solved with a laplacian multiplier

  • In short: we know a criteria to properly select edges (loops) by (weighted) topology.


  • Can we generalize from the block diagonal covariance to general covariance? In other words, can we put more information to edges rather than a scalar weight?
  • Can we put noisy-or factors on edges to support multi-hypothesis inference?
  • Tree-connectivity is a global measurement. Can we limit it in a subgraph and consider properties in clique trees?
    • For a clique we can use Cayley’s formula to directly obtain tree connectivity without decomposition. can this help in connectivity measurement?
